Māori Education and support

Te Whaititara
Ko te 'Whaititara' te rautaki. Nau mai e aku nui e aku rahi ki tēnei paetukutuku kia whakawhanakehia, kia whakaauahatia te wairua kia rongo, kia mārama, kia hiwa, ki te whakaaro. Mā te whakatūwhera i te hinengaro, te ara whakamua tīhei mauri ora, rarau mai.
We specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development. Our commitment to flourishing futures for ākonga, whānau and Taiao are grounded in te reo Māori, tikanga Māori, and kawa Māori.
Relationships lie at the heart of our mahi. Our highly experienced and passionate kaiwhakaruruhau (facilitators) can provide support across both English Medium and Māori Medium settings.
We offer learning solutions to enable our ākonga Māori to achieve educational success as Māori.

Meet our team
Ko mātou

Sharron has facilitated professional learning and development in English and Māori-medium primary and secondary schools with leaders, teachers and whānau. She specialises in Te Reo Māori, culturally responsive and relational pedagogy as well as student learning and achievement, in particular for Māori learners. Sharron works in the Ahuriri and Heretaunga regions.

Lisa is an experienced teacher and professional development facilitator with a working knowledge of implementing key Ministry of Education strategies and policies for supporting Māori student achievement such as; Ka Hikitia, Tātaiako, Hautū and Te Aho Arataki Marau (Te Reo Māori in English Medium Schools). Lisa works across Te Tai Tokerau region.

Mark is highly experienced in innovative teaching and learning environments and flipped classrooms, e-Ako pedagogies in collaborative environments to support kaiako to make positive shifts in their practice and encourage ākonga achievement, blended learning PLD to schools, culturally sustaining pedagogy, Ngā Toi.

Bruce is an accredited Māori Medium Facilitator and specialises in Pāngarau. He works with Pāngarau planning/programmes in TKKM, rumaki reo, reo rua and mainstream kura, as well as delivery of Pāngarau programmes to whole class and small groups, student data analysis, and design and delivery of accelerated learning activities.

Aroha is a Kaiwhakarurukau for Tui Tuia I Learning Circle's Te Whānau Maioha Team
Toi te kōrure, toi tū te tupu, he putanga anamata.
Where there is change and growth our future as Māori is assured.
Our Services
For more information about our services, please send us a message via our Contact Us form.
- Bespoke support for schools
- Cultural capability for all organisations
- Resource development

PLD Offerings
See our kaiwhakaruruhau facilitators and get in touch with us at pld@auckland.ac.nz.
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Recent mahi
Explore the work we have done in the past
An exciting resource created in collaboration with To Tāhuhu ote Mātauranga (Ministry of Education)that supports kaiako to design rich learning and assessment through the context of the Matariki star cluster.
Learn more Tū Rangatira Tū Pakari Ai – Leadership Practice Inquiry Tool helps you reflect on your own leadership practice and enhance or improve on it as part of your on-going development and growth as a leader in Māori medium.
Check out this bilingual rauemi resource for how to create a flax waka!
Learn more

Making an impact
Hear from educators whose practice have been positively impacted by our innovative approach to learning and professional development.