Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories
Aotearoa New Zealand is on a journey to ensure all ākonga learn about our histories and how they shape our present day realities. Kura/schools can apply to utilise RA-PLD hours to get support from Te Whānau Maioha kaiwhakaruruhau facilitators on what this can look like for your context.

Māori Education and Support
Cultural Capability
Face to face
Northland | Tai Tokerau
Ministry funded
Aotearoa New Zealand is on a journey to ensure all ākonga learn about our histories and how they shape our present day realities. This is Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories in English medium settings, and Te Takanga o te Wā is the wāhanga ako associated with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Associate Senior Lecturer, Hēmi Dale from Te Puna Wānanga Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland led the writing of this curriculum.
About the course
From 2023, Te Takanga o Te Wā and Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories will be part of all kura and schools’ marau ā-kura and local curriculum. The final content has been released in March 2022 to give kura and schools time to plan for implementation of the new curriculum content from term 1 2023. Aotearoa New Zealand's histories will be part of the learning under the Social Sciences learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum. More specific information about the refresh of the NZC can be found on Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum.
As this is part of the NZ Curriculum refresh Te Mātaiaho, implementation is now a requirement for 2023. Kura/schools can apply to utilise RA-PLD hours to get support from Te Whānau Maioha kaiwhakaruruhau/facilitators on what this can look like for your context. We can provide support for the following:
- help build local relationships, meet, and facilitate hui with whānau, hapū, and local iwi
- work with schools, whānau, hapū, and local iwi to source local stories and knowledge from the people of that community
- support planning for the school's histories curriculum
- help create cultural narratives for the school derived from the local community's histories
We look forward to working with schools all over Aoteroa in undertaking this critical work. Get in touch with us today to begin your school's histories journey!
Register here
Please contact us using the button below to organise bespoke support for your context and our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
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