Growing Great Leaders™: TEAMS
Growing Great Leaders™: TEAMS (GGL™ TEAMS) is designed to raise the effectiveness of your leadership team, and strengthen its ability to consistently achieve its student-centred goals.

Online course
Growing Great Leaders™: TEAMS (GGL™ TEAMS) is an online offering of GGL™ designed to raise the effectiveness of your leadership team, and strengthen its ability to consistently achieve its student-centred goals.
About the course
What is ‘GGL™ TEAMS’?
GGL™ TEAMS is an online learning experience designed to enhance the leadership effectiveness of whole leadership teams. It skillfully links online learning with skilled facilitation, while maintaining an unrelenting focus on your school, your improvement priorities and your valued learner outcomes.
How does GGL™ TEAMS work?
(i) You enrol your team and receive access to our easy to navigate, online leadership development platform.
(ii) Your team works together through the series of six, self-contained, self-paced modules – at a time, place, and pace that works for you all.
(iii) Your whole team connects with one of our skilled facilitators via ZOOM for 3 online discussions; each structured around your team’s insights, challenges and questions.
What is the time commitment required for GGL™ TEAMS?
We recommend that leadership groups allow up to 15 minutes for pre-module reading and reflection, and about two hours for each online module. Times will vary depending on the time allocated for group discussion, reflection and planning.
Do you recommend that modules are completed in a specific sequence?
GGL™ TEAMS is designed as a sequential programme of professional learning, with each module connecting to, and building on previous learning, however the final sequence is up to your team.
The programme is broken into six, easy-to-navigate modules, with each taking about two hours to complete (including team discussions and associated activities). Each module, although thematically distinct, makes rich connections to the other five, highlighting the interrelated nature of both the programme and the Student-centred Leadership model.
In addition to the six modules below, your team’s experience will also be enriched by three online coaching / mentoring sessions led by one of our leadership consultants. Repeated participant feedback on these sessions highlights the value added by a skilled, ‘critical friend’ challenging and affirming team reflections, wonderings and school improvement actions. ‘GGL™ TEAMS’ is currently being used by school leaders and their teams across New Zealand as well as internationally in Australia and United Arab Emirates.
Growing Great Leaders™ 1: Leadership Essentials covers six modules. Each module is aligned to the Student-centred Leadership model and is designed to provide both theoretical and practical application for the educational context.
GGL™ TEAMS includes:
- An intuitive, digitally responsive online resource centre.
- A series of six online modules (videos, readings, discussion prompts, in-school inquiry guides, application activities).
- Three 60 – 90 minute online discussions facilitated by one of our skilled leadership consultants – at a time that works for your team.
GGL TEAMS is priced at $650+GST per participant. Our Centre recommends that schools with large leadership teams break into smaller ‘Professional Learning Groups’ (PLG) each with 4 to 6 members.
Enrolment costs associated with GGL™ TEAMS can be offset using RAPLD hours. Contact us via email to find out more about this option:
Here's some of the feedback we have received to date from New Zealand Principals who have undertaken this course:
“Our leaders have loved the material (it's accessible, well presented and chunked well) and we look forward to meeting each week to talk things through as a team."
“Conversations are deeper, richer and focused on our work, and I find that when we talk together we now have key frameworks/ideas to base our discussion around."
“It was wonderful for me to hear the discussion about what learning should cause, what that learning should look like, querying how clear we have been in our guidance, curriculum and task alignment, and understanding what teachers found helpful for their learning."
Meet the facilitators
Register here
If you would like to organise delivery of Growing Great Leaders™: TEAMS for your leadership team, please reach out to us using the button below.
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