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2023 - German - Term 4 Newsletter Articles

November 16, 2023

Term 4 articles for German include 'LehrerInnen Fortbildungen mit Goethe-Institut in Deutschland in 2023. An der Nordseeküste, am plattdeutschen Strand, sind die Fische im Wasser...', 'Gemischte Tüte. Dies und Das aus Deutsch-Fremdsprachenunterricht Neuseelands', 'Botschaftsempfang Wellington – Tag der Deutschen Einheit 2023 German Embassy reception to celebrate the Day of German Unity 2023'

LehrerInnen Fortbildungen mit Goethe-Institut in Deutschland in 2023.
An der Nordseeküste, am plattdeutschen Strand, sind die Fische im Wasser...

Photo: Goethe-Institut building in Hamburg, Germany


Im August hatte ich die wunderbare Gelegenheit, am Goethe-Institut in Deutschland zu studieren. Mit einem Goethe-Institut Stipendium wählte ich einen Kurs in Hamburg, da ich bisher noch keine Zeit dort verbracht hatte. Der Kurs war ein intensiver Sprachkurs. Meine mitstreitenden Kursteilnehmenden wohnten in Hamburg und kamen aus neun verschiedenen Ländern. Aber auch eine weitere Sprachlehrerin aus Großbritannien und ich nahmen auch am drei-wöchigen Kurs teil. Während der kulturellen Ausflüge lernte ich auch Menschen aus noch mehr Ländern kennen. Das Budgethotel, in dem wir wohnten, war sehr günstig gelegen, da es nicht nur in der Nähe des Goethe-Instituts lag, sondern auch nicht weit weg vom Hauptbahnhof war.

Der Unterricht war ausgezeichnet, und unsere Gruppe war sehr nett. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es keine bessere Erfahrung für Sprachlehrer*innen, als selbst großartigen Unterricht als Sprachlernende zu erleben.

In meiner Freizeit erkundete ich Hamburg sowie Bremen, Lübeck und Lüneburg. Ich war überrascht zu sehen, wie schön die Hansestädte sind. An einem Wochenende fuhr ich sogar auf die Insel Rügen, um an einer Geburtstagsfeier teilzunehmen.

Ich freue mich auf einen Immersions-Tag oder eine Konferenz in 2024, bei der ich vielleicht meine interkulturellen Beobachtungen und einige Klassenzimmeraktivitäten teilen darf.

Yona Brand und dem Goethe-Institut danke ich sehr dafür, dass ich diese Möglichkeit zum Lernen und Erleben bekommen durfte.

Janelle Wood teaches for the Goethe-Institut Neuseeland in Auckland and is a Facilitator for Tui Tuia | Learning Circle.

Dies und Das aus Deutschen

Fremdsprachenunterricht in Neuseelands.

Picture 1: Pins that symbolise 70 years of diplomatic friendship between Aotearoa & Germany

Picture: 2 Astrid Sandberg at the Goethe Oral Exam prize giving ceremony 2023 in Auckland

Picture 3: Cake of Schwarzwälderkirschtorte, made by learners of German at Stratford High School, Taranaki.

Unser erster Halt ist in Taranaki. Wir treffen hier auf Dr M. Taylor, Deputy Principal (Curriculum)/German Teacher:
Learning German at Stratford High School

Guten Tag Stratford, Neuseeland und die Welt!

For the first time ever, students had the opportunity to learn German at NCEA Level 1 in 2023 as well as in Year 10. Stratford High is the only school in Taranaki which offers German as a subject and students have been learning the basics of the language and culture, as well as the advantages that learning a language has for their future careers and travel opportunities. It has been another busy year in the German Department and some of the highlights were:

In Term 2, Year 10 students ran a cafe for teachers where they acted as waiters and brought in some amazing home baking to share. Englisch war nicht erlaubt (English was not allowed) and students showed off their language skills learnt by taking orders in German.  It was a great effort after just over a term of German learning!  

In Term 3, Year 11 German students became Master Chefs when they competed to cook the best German dish. Dishes varied from Currywurst (curried sausage), Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) and Arme Ritter (German French toast). Of course, the best bit was the tasting! Lecker!

In Term 4, students had a ‘German Bake Off’, where they competed to decorate that German classic, Schwarzwälderkirschtorte (Black Forest Gateau). Students were really inventive using pretzels, gummi bears and, of course, cherries and cream.

Year 11 students also took part in the Aotearoa New Zealand German speech competition, where they had to compose and give a speech on a topic of their choice entirely in German.  Justin Salisbury was shortlisted for 3rd place nationally and narrowly missed out on an all-expenses paid trip to Germany.  

Mehr Eindrücke. Wir ziehen weiter nach Auckland. Auch hier gab es kulinarische Höhepunkte. Es hieß “Auf Wiedersehen” für die Abschlussklassen der Deutsch Lerner in Auckland!

In a vibrant showcase of linguistic prowess and cultural appreciation, Auckland recently played host to two significant events orchestrated by the local teaching German community. The first, an evening organised by the Auckland Goethe Society at the University of Auckland, marked the prestigious Goethe Oral Prize Giving Night.

This event was a momentous occasion for students, parents, and teachers alike. It provided a platform for accomplished students to be recognised for their proficiency in the German language, an achievement that resonates deeply within the German teaching community. The atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment as each awardee received their well-deserved accolades. This festive environment not only celebrated individual achievements but also fostered a sense of camaraderie.

Later in the same week, the enthusiasm continued as learners of German, along with their dedicated educators, gathered once more. Four Auckland high schools united to organise a German dinner to farewell their graduating seniors. Seated around long wooden tables covered in blue and white checkered cloths, the students perused a menu offering a range of German classics. From crispy schnitzels to tangy sausages with mustard, the choices were as inviting as they were comforting. Plates of Currywurst, Spätzle and more were circulated and there was high hope in the air for slices of Black Forest cake and warm apple strudel paired with generous scoops of vanilla ice cream. As the students enjoyed their meal, they exchanged stories of their journey with the German language. This occasion was a testament to the collaborative spirit within Auckland's German language education community. The evening provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their linguistic journey, celebrate their successes, and bid a fond farewell to a chapter of their school lives.

These events underscore the thriving German community in Auckland and the genuine commitment to nurturing a love for language and culture. By providing platforms for recognition and celebration, these gatherings serve not only to acknowledge individual achievements but also to strengthen the bonds within the community itself. Through such initiatives, the German language continues to flourish in the heart of Auckland.

Botschaftsempfang Wellington – Tag der Deutschen Einheit 2023
German Embassy reception to celebrate the Day of German Unity 2023

Picture 1 Fiona Taylor and German Ambassador H.E. Nicole Menzenbach

Picture 2 German Embassy reception to celebrate the Day of German Unity, Wellington.
Members of the German community attending the reception.

I was one of many German teachers in Aotearoa to be invited to a reception with the German Ambassador, H.E. Nicole Menzenbach to celebrate the day of German unity on October 12th. My partner and I decided that we would like to attend, as such invitations don’t come every day, and it sounded like something exciting to be a part of.
We flew to Wellington, arriving mid-afternoon on Thursday 12 October, ready for the reception at 6pm.

The reception took part at the Public Trust Hall, a beautiful venue in central Wellington. There were a large number of invitees from a variety of industries, including friends of the German Chamber of Commerce, diplomats and ambassadors from other countries and others involved in relations with New Zealand and Germany. Her Excellency Nicole Menzenbach addressed us, celebrating the seventy-year relationship between New Zealand and Germany.
She explained that Germany is New Zealand’s largest European trade partner, which is one of the many reasons that we promote German in our schools and encourage students to visit Germany and experience the language and culture.

Over a range of amuse-bouche and drinks, we had the opportunity to mix and mingle, speaking German and networking. The evening was a true celebration of German unity and relations between Germany and New Zealand, and I am privileged to have been able to take part.

Written by Fiona Taylor, German teacher at Lincoln High School.

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2023 - German - Term 4 Newsletter Articles

LehrerInnen Fortbildungen mit Goethe-Institut in Deutschland in 2023.
An der Nordseeküste, am plattdeutschen Strand, sind die Fische im Wasser...

Photo: Goethe-Institut building in Hamburg, Germany


Im August hatte ich die wunderbare Gelegenheit, am Goethe-Institut in Deutschland zu studieren. Mit einem Goethe-Institut Stipendium wählte ich einen Kurs in Hamburg, da ich bisher noch keine Zeit dort verbracht hatte. Der Kurs war ein intensiver Sprachkurs. Meine mitstreitenden Kursteilnehmenden wohnten in Hamburg und kamen aus neun verschiedenen Ländern. Aber auch eine weitere Sprachlehrerin aus Großbritannien und ich nahmen auch am drei-wöchigen Kurs teil. Während der kulturellen Ausflüge lernte ich auch Menschen aus noch mehr Ländern kennen. Das Budgethotel, in dem wir wohnten, war sehr günstig gelegen, da es nicht nur in der Nähe des Goethe-Instituts lag, sondern auch nicht weit weg vom Hauptbahnhof war.

Der Unterricht war ausgezeichnet, und unsere Gruppe war sehr nett. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es keine bessere Erfahrung für Sprachlehrer*innen, als selbst großartigen Unterricht als Sprachlernende zu erleben.

In meiner Freizeit erkundete ich Hamburg sowie Bremen, Lübeck und Lüneburg. Ich war überrascht zu sehen, wie schön die Hansestädte sind. An einem Wochenende fuhr ich sogar auf die Insel Rügen, um an einer Geburtstagsfeier teilzunehmen.

Ich freue mich auf einen Immersions-Tag oder eine Konferenz in 2024, bei der ich vielleicht meine interkulturellen Beobachtungen und einige Klassenzimmeraktivitäten teilen darf.

Yona Brand und dem Goethe-Institut danke ich sehr dafür, dass ich diese Möglichkeit zum Lernen und Erleben bekommen durfte.

Janelle Wood teaches for the Goethe-Institut Neuseeland in Auckland and is a Facilitator for Tui Tuia | Learning Circle.

Dies und Das aus Deutschen

Fremdsprachenunterricht in Neuseelands.

Picture 1: Pins that symbolise 70 years of diplomatic friendship between Aotearoa & Germany

Picture: 2 Astrid Sandberg at the Goethe Oral Exam prize giving ceremony 2023 in Auckland

Picture 3: Cake of Schwarzwälderkirschtorte, made by learners of German at Stratford High School, Taranaki.

Unser erster Halt ist in Taranaki. Wir treffen hier auf Dr M. Taylor, Deputy Principal (Curriculum)/German Teacher:
Learning German at Stratford High School

Guten Tag Stratford, Neuseeland und die Welt!

For the first time ever, students had the opportunity to learn German at NCEA Level 1 in 2023 as well as in Year 10. Stratford High is the only school in Taranaki which offers German as a subject and students have been learning the basics of the language and culture, as well as the advantages that learning a language has for their future careers and travel opportunities. It has been another busy year in the German Department and some of the highlights were:

In Term 2, Year 10 students ran a cafe for teachers where they acted as waiters and brought in some amazing home baking to share. Englisch war nicht erlaubt (English was not allowed) and students showed off their language skills learnt by taking orders in German.  It was a great effort after just over a term of German learning!  

In Term 3, Year 11 German students became Master Chefs when they competed to cook the best German dish. Dishes varied from Currywurst (curried sausage), Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) and Arme Ritter (German French toast). Of course, the best bit was the tasting! Lecker!

In Term 4, students had a ‘German Bake Off’, where they competed to decorate that German classic, Schwarzwälderkirschtorte (Black Forest Gateau). Students were really inventive using pretzels, gummi bears and, of course, cherries and cream.

Year 11 students also took part in the Aotearoa New Zealand German speech competition, where they had to compose and give a speech on a topic of their choice entirely in German.  Justin Salisbury was shortlisted for 3rd place nationally and narrowly missed out on an all-expenses paid trip to Germany.  

Mehr Eindrücke. Wir ziehen weiter nach Auckland. Auch hier gab es kulinarische Höhepunkte. Es hieß “Auf Wiedersehen” für die Abschlussklassen der Deutsch Lerner in Auckland!

In a vibrant showcase of linguistic prowess and cultural appreciation, Auckland recently played host to two significant events orchestrated by the local teaching German community. The first, an evening organised by the Auckland Goethe Society at the University of Auckland, marked the prestigious Goethe Oral Prize Giving Night.

This event was a momentous occasion for students, parents, and teachers alike. It provided a platform for accomplished students to be recognised for their proficiency in the German language, an achievement that resonates deeply within the German teaching community. The atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment as each awardee received their well-deserved accolades. This festive environment not only celebrated individual achievements but also fostered a sense of camaraderie.

Later in the same week, the enthusiasm continued as learners of German, along with their dedicated educators, gathered once more. Four Auckland high schools united to organise a German dinner to farewell their graduating seniors. Seated around long wooden tables covered in blue and white checkered cloths, the students perused a menu offering a range of German classics. From crispy schnitzels to tangy sausages with mustard, the choices were as inviting as they were comforting. Plates of Currywurst, Spätzle and more were circulated and there was high hope in the air for slices of Black Forest cake and warm apple strudel paired with generous scoops of vanilla ice cream. As the students enjoyed their meal, they exchanged stories of their journey with the German language. This occasion was a testament to the collaborative spirit within Auckland's German language education community. The evening provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their linguistic journey, celebrate their successes, and bid a fond farewell to a chapter of their school lives.

These events underscore the thriving German community in Auckland and the genuine commitment to nurturing a love for language and culture. By providing platforms for recognition and celebration, these gatherings serve not only to acknowledge individual achievements but also to strengthen the bonds within the community itself. Through such initiatives, the German language continues to flourish in the heart of Auckland.

Botschaftsempfang Wellington – Tag der Deutschen Einheit 2023
German Embassy reception to celebrate the Day of German Unity 2023

Picture 1 Fiona Taylor and German Ambassador H.E. Nicole Menzenbach

Picture 2 German Embassy reception to celebrate the Day of German Unity, Wellington.
Members of the German community attending the reception.

I was one of many German teachers in Aotearoa to be invited to a reception with the German Ambassador, H.E. Nicole Menzenbach to celebrate the day of German unity on October 12th. My partner and I decided that we would like to attend, as such invitations don’t come every day, and it sounded like something exciting to be a part of.
We flew to Wellington, arriving mid-afternoon on Thursday 12 October, ready for the reception at 6pm.

The reception took part at the Public Trust Hall, a beautiful venue in central Wellington. There were a large number of invitees from a variety of industries, including friends of the German Chamber of Commerce, diplomats and ambassadors from other countries and others involved in relations with New Zealand and Germany. Her Excellency Nicole Menzenbach addressed us, celebrating the seventy-year relationship between New Zealand and Germany.
She explained that Germany is New Zealand’s largest European trade partner, which is one of the many reasons that we promote German in our schools and encourage students to visit Germany and experience the language and culture.

Over a range of amuse-bouche and drinks, we had the opportunity to mix and mingle, speaking German and networking. The evening was a true celebration of German unity and relations between Germany and New Zealand, and I am privileged to have been able to take part.

Written by Fiona Taylor, German teacher at Lincoln High School.